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Dallas Brooks Scout Park nestles inconspicuously in the back blocks of Upper Beaconsfield, Victoria, Australia

Short Description of Dallas Brooks Park

Dallas Brooks Scout Park is a bush site the end of Harpfield Road, Beaconsfield Upper, Victoria, Australia. The site is about 150 acres (60 hectares) with mains water and two halls each with toilets and showers. The Park is deliberately under-developed to provide a return to more simple values where kids can be kids and experience the bush in a safe, closed environment.

The Beginnings of Dallas Brooks Park

In 1952, some visionaries within Caulfield District of the then Boy Scouts Association, acquired 120 acres of bushland at the end of Harpfield Rd in Upper Beaconsfield for the use of the whole District. The property consisted of the Chalet, a dam, a bridge built by Army Engineers, one of whom lost his life whilst on site (a plaque still remains at the bridge to commemorate this sad event) and a few shelters and tanks spread around the site. A team of interested leaders and the District Association slowly developed the site, building Camp Control with Jim Sneddon and Ken Walters taking key roles in the creation of camping sites and the overall site.

St Kilda district held 30 acres at the north of the Dallas Brooks Park. The St Kilda site, including what is known as “The St Kilda Oval”   was given to Caulfield District in about 1984, to look after and further develop.

The people who Care about Dallas Brooks Park

A small core of Scouters from the former Caulfield District and some dedicated volunteers do the best they can to keep this bush site safe. The camping fees are quite low and there are no other sources of income. Ongoing care and maintenance depends largely on the generosity of people who love this site. If you would like to be more involved in some way please get in contact with Trevor Howlett via the Contact Page. For all our visitors – we ask that you do your best to care for this outstanding piece of nature and the structures on it.

Dallas Brooks Scout Park